Yellow Stars

Why did they haul dad off so many times? Other than that he preached from the pulpit something the Nazis did not like.. I knew nothing. Only that the third time, mom said something about dad having asked questions about people with yellow stars on the left side of their chests. Something about them dad […]

Igelitt Shoes

If it had never snowed or had been so terribly cold, well then we would not have had this problem. We would have just been barefoot all the time. I loved it anyways, I never felt any pain when I stepped on little pebbles or rocks. My feet were used to it, besides I liked […]

My Escape From Communism

Meanwhile I was 17 and the memories of that little girl were still so fresh and they have shaped me into who I am today! To not become a bitter and negative person took much deep thought and putting things in perspective. But at 17 I was not in the place I am today, as […]

Even A Burned One Will DO, Frau M!

We need bread, a loaf of bread, but our “ration card” was up for this month. and there was no more. That meant, I would have to go and beg, I was use to it and would do it with not much thought. Most times I took Rickety and went to Gimritz, the village 3 […]

Swimming in our River

As usual, on a warm summer day, we would love to go swim in the river. Dad taught me how to swim when I was about 7. We would go to the river, and he would teach me, holding out his arms to catch me when I went under. Tirelessly he’d encourage me to try […]

Gas Masks

It was another one of those nights we spent in our basement. We heard “die Flack” the German fire aimed at the bombing airplanes. Boom boom, crash crash.. no one could sleep, we carefully listened to where the bombs were falling. It was close, scary close.. but still not in Brachwitz. Our tiny village did […]