Well Fed farmers

Jutta was a bit older than I and she was the only one who also went to school in Halle, and we rode our bikes together. Jutta was the daughter of a farmer, and she had packed lunches that were to die for. “Wurschtbemmen” (meaty sandwiches) that her mom lovingly fixed for her. Jutta’s brother […]

Soldiers Returning Home

Herr Saalbach was the guy who ferried people across the river,” die Saale”. It wasn’t a very wide river, so Herr Saalbach strung a very thick and strong wire from one end over to the other. He had a little rowboat in which he stood up and with his hands he would grab that wire.. […]

Gather the Crops

On school free days it was our priority to go out into freshly harvested fields to gather the leftovers. All wheat, rye, corn, and oat fields were our hunting grounds. While harvesting, those machines would leave behind those precious sought after kernel heads. It was what we were after.. to make cereal.. or if we […]

Frightening Changes

Mom finally explained to me what war means. Little could I comprehend what it really meant. Dad, the most honest person on earth, preached from the pulpit to not vote for Hitler, and once Hitler was at the helm of the German people dad thundered against him.. telling people to protest where ever they could. […]


Uncle Ernst was mom’s brother and he found a farm that took in needy, hungry chidren for 2 weeks to feed and otherwise take great care of them. This was a great time for sis and I. We got a bit closer to each other.. and yes, we had fun. We rode horses, ate lots […]

Who Is Jesus?

Much later, as an adult, I met an American in Hamburg, and I (legally) immigrated to the US.. in California to be exact.. where we got married. But my blog shall remain talking about my childhood, because Adult-Blogs are a dime a dozen.. so I will keep mine to myself.. except for 1 thing. I […]